Lima Ohio CPA | Regional Full Service Firm | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

Accounting, Tax, And Business Consulting Professionals Drive Growth In Northwest Ohio

Northwest Ohio is home to amazing entrepreneurs and community leaders, all of whom are committed to making the Lima-area region better for all. This is what drove Rea & Associates to open an office in Lima, Ohio in 1984, after acquiring another local accounting firm. Since then, 雷亚的利马办事处规模不断扩大,同时为整个地区的客户提供的金融和咨询服务数量也在稳步增加. As a full-service CPA firm serving clients in Allen, Hardin, Logan, Auglaize, Mercer, Van Wert, Paulding, Putnam, Hancock, Shelby, and Wyandot counties – and beyond – Rea & Associates is committed to the success of Ohio’s northwest region and the many treasures found here.

To learn more about our services, industry expertise, and more, reach out to a member of Rea & Associates’ Lima Ohio team.

Location Details
2579 Shawnee Road
Lima, Ohio 45806
Fax: (419) 331-1120

Business owners, nonprofit leaders, and government leaders throughout Lima and the surrounding areas have trusted Rea & Associates with their accounting, assurance, tax, and general business consulting and management advisory services for decades. We are committed to your ongoing success.


在雷亚,你将与一个经验丰富的专业团队一起工作,他们中的大多数人都在优化他们的会计能力, tax, audit, and specific consulting services for years. Not only is the vast majority of our Lima team certified public accountants, most have earned numerous other professional credentials that further demonstrate expertise in specific areas.


Your business faces unique challenges, which is why a cookie-cutter business advisor isn’t good enough. 你需要一个由注册会计师和顾问组成的团队,他们了解如何在俄亥俄州西北部发展一个成功的组织. Rea’s accounting, tax, assurance, 咨询专业人士知道如何通过部署整体团队方法来推动业务增长和可持续性.


Business owners, nonprofit leaders, and government leaders throughout Lima and the surrounding areas have trusted Rea & Associates with their accounting, assurance, tax, and general business consulting and management advisory services for decades. We are committed to your ongoing success.


在雷亚,你将与一个经验丰富的专业团队一起工作,他们中的大多数人都在优化他们的会计能力, tax, audit, and specific consulting services for years. Not only is the vast majority of our Lima team certified public accountants, most have earned numerous other professional credentials that further demonstrate expertise in specific areas.


Your business faces unique challenges, which is why a cookie-cutter business advisor isn’t good enough. 你需要一个由注册会计师和顾问组成的团队,他们了解如何在俄亥俄州西北部发展一个成功的组织. Rea’s accounting, tax, assurance, 咨询专业人士知道如何通过部署整体团队方法来推动业务增长和可持续性.

Accounting Services, Tax Strategy, Business Management Solutions, And More From Professionals You Know And Trust

Rea & Associates is not just another certified public accounting firm. 我们的专业会计师和商业顾问团队致力于为客户提供组织各个领域的解决方案. Need help maintaining your back office? We can do that! Looking for assistance to help you manage your company’s retirement plan? We’ve got you covered! Want to learn how to protect your business from compliance issues, bad actors, and regulatory bodies? 雷亚的商业咨询专业人员以其专业的服务和卓越的承诺受到行业领导者和利马地区领导者的高度评价. Read on to learn more.

我们的簿记专业人员和客户服务专家服务于小型到中型企业和组织在整个俄亥俄州西北部和超越我们的利马会计师事务所的位置. Our team of dedicated accounting professionals are experts in the areas of back-office support, which includes payroll management, QuickBooks consultations, financial statement preparation and evaluation, 以及外包会计服务,可以改变你看待和跟踪你的企业财务健康的方式,在任何给定的时间. 如果你现有的会计服务或簿记功能不能为你提供必要的建议和洞察力,帮助你做出关键的商业决策,同时支持你的整体战略计划和未来的增长目标, it’s time to reach out to local accounting professionals who will.

Click here to learn more about accounting services and solutions at Rea & Associates.

The retirement plan service professionals at Rea & Associates are highly regarded throughout the industry for providing best-in-class service, innovative plan design options, and exceptional support among plan sponsors. Rea的退休计划服务团队继续持有美国养老金专业人士协会的受托人卓越中心 & Actuaries (CEFEX-ASPPA) certificate for Service Provider Excellence. 我们对卓越的承诺意味着您可以始终信任我们专业人士的指导和支持,始终牢记您公司的最佳利益.

Click here to learn how our approach to retirement plan services can help you drive business growth.

Rea & Associates' human resources specialists will work with you to develop a personalized, strategic, and flexible plan to address your company’s HR responsibilities. 我们可定制的解决方案旨在帮助您管理组织的复杂合规义务,并保护您的公司免受潜在的法律后果. Additionally, because business success is inherently tied to the professional wellbeing and support of your employees, Rea的外包人力资源服务可以帮助您维持组织的基本人力资源职能,从支持现有的人力资源部门, or completing key projects.

Click here to learn more about Rea’s HR consulting services.

Don’t just wait for the auditors to infiltrate your organization when there’s a problem. Instead, invite them in and start using data-driven audits completed by Rea & Associates’ audit and assurance team to make informed business decisions, improve credibility and accountability, and adhere to all regulatory requirements that may impact your business or organization. 我们的鉴证专家和注册会计师团队为利马和整个俄亥俄州西北部的客户提供服务,他们配备了简化审计流程的设备,并提供可用于推动业务增长的关键发现,同时最大限度地提高您的效率.

Click here to learn how Rea’s audit and assurance professionals can serve you.

Rea & Associates’ valuation and transaction advisory staff serves business owners in Lima and across Northwest Ohio. You’ve spent a lifetime building your business and working to maximize its value. Before long, if you haven’t already, 作为一个企业主,你必须考虑你人生旅程的下一个目的地——继任和退出计划. Mapping out your ideal succession plan isn’t as easy as it looks. 第一步是了解和理解你的继任计划选择,然后与专业的估值和交易咨询公司合作,制定一项计划,帮助你实现你的目标, maintain your legacy, and exit the business (and into retirement) on your terms.

Click here to discover how Rea’s valuation and transaction advisory team can help you.

Battles continue to ensue between cyber criminals and local companies, nonprofits, and government entities of all sizes. And, when left unattended, 他们有可能比点击鼠标更快地毁掉你的组织(和你的生计). Rea & Associates的网络安全和数据保护服务团队致力于为利马地区社区和整个俄亥俄州西北部的企业主和其他领导者提供必要的资源,以保护您的网络敏感数据免受可能导致灾难性数据泄露的网络攻击. 我们经验丰富的网络安全专业人员有能力为中小型企业提供大量的服务, including policy drafting, management information mapping, SOC/NOC advisory services, vulnerability and penetration testing, information discovery, CMMC guidance, and more.

Click here to learn more about Rea & Associates’ cybersecurity and data protection services.

如果你的企业为跨州的客户提供商品或服务,或者雇佣居住在另一个州的工人, you might have nexus in more states than you know about. Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can just ignore. 全美各州正以创纪录的数量打击企业,希望借此征收更多的销售和使用税. To protect your organization from an astronomical (and unexpected) tax bill, 与州和地方税务专家合作,他们可以为您的业务需求提供保护和支持. From allocation and apportionment reviews, sales and use tax compliance and reviews, nexus studies, credits and incentives services, voluntary disclosure services, and more, Rea & Associates’ state and local tax team understands the tax variations and complexities found in all 50 states.

Click here to learn more about Rea & Associates’ state and local tax services.

不要再把税收计划看作是每年的麻烦,而是要开始考虑如何制定一个税收计划策略来最大限度地减少你的联邦纳税义务, empower you to make better informed decisions, and position you to take advantage of timely opportunities. Rea & Associates’ tax professionals serve businesses and individuals in Lima and throughout Northwest Ohio. Our certified public accountants bring extensive experience, a superior technical skillset, 并高度关注每一个客户的细节,同时努力提供优质的服务和值得信赖的见解. Tax laws and regulation continues to change constantly, 这就是为什么你的顾问团队应该包括一名注册会计师,他可以让你了解最新的信息,同时提供长达一年的联邦税务规划建议. Together, 我们可以帮助您把更多的血汗钱放在口袋里,实现短期和长期的商业目标.

Click here to learn more about Rea & Associates’ federal tax planning services.

The accounting and business consulting professionals at Rea & Associates serve individuals and business owners throughout Allen, Hardin, Logan, Auglaize, Mercer, Van Wert, Paulding, Putnam, Hancock, Shelby, and Wyandot counties. In addition to the range of professional services our firm offers, 我们聘请了专业的行业专家,以确保我们考虑到您的独特挑战,同时充分利用影响您独特组织的特定机会. Today, in addition to working with individual business owners, community leaders, and others; we primarily work with businesses in the automotive, construction, manufacturing, medical, dental, oil and gas, professional services industries; nonprofit organizations, including food banks, cause-based entities, and religious organizations; and government entities, such as municipalities and education facilities. If you would like to learn more about our services and the industries we serve, contact us today.

Contact A Lima CPA Today

Rea & Associates has provided business assistance in Lima and throughout Northwest Ohio since 1984. Find out how our service specialists and industry experts can help you build a better organization. 点击下面的按钮安全的赌博软件,了解更多关于Rea的Lima团队可以提供的业务合规服务和业务解决方案.

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